Why do we not deduct steel volume to find actual volume of concrete in practical as we have studied that,,, actual volume of concrete = volume of column- volume of steel pls explain with reference of IS code?????
residential projects,structural.
0 Answers Ambuja, KBR, Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery Company SASREF,
how to take the quantity of block work and plastering 1block price:3saudi riyal cement:1bag:15 saudi riyal sand:3bag:20 saudi riyal 1mason:9hour per hour 40 saudi riyal 1labour:9hour per hour 40 saudi riyal can anybdy calculate
C40/50 of concrete strength is saying that 40Mpa(by using cylinder specimen) and 50Map (by using cubic specimen), but this concrete strength is Characteristic concrete strength or target mean concrete strength?
1) what is the difference between development length & overlap length ? 2) why extras are provided at top and bootom in a beam of slab? 3) why stirrups are provided at 0.3l at supports and 0.4l at center? 4) is column a compression memeber if yes how & beam is which type of memeber?
if cement is 70 kg. sand is 140 kg and coarse aggregate is 280 kg. so what is volume of cement, sand and coarse aggregate? please explane it.
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how can we calculate steel value, depending on load
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hai.... please any guide me were i can get interview questions& ans for Unigraphics
In a day One Mason can fix How many sqm of 60x60 tiles?
What is the quantity of metal 1 & metal 2 to be used in 100 cft concrete?