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paypal interview questions
What's the difference between a finite state machine (FSM) and a hierarchical finite state machine (HFSM)? Give an example of a hierarchical state machine with functionality that you could not easily replicate in a non-hierarchical FSM.
can anyone tell me the program to compare two files and write matching records to a file and unmatched to another in mainframe.
You're developing a boss encounter in a 3D platformer game, and the boss has 15 different attacks. The game designers have asked you to make sure that the player sees as many of those 15 attacks as possible during the encounter, and that he seldom or never sees the same attack twice in a row. What are some ways you can do this? What does the attack selection algorithm look like in this case? Keep in mind that not all attacks are possible all the time -- for example, the boss has a melee attack that he can only do when the player is very close, and a bombardment attack he can only do when the player is far away.
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What are some of the limitations of state machines? When is the use of state machines appropriate, and when are they insufficient to generate the kinds of behaviors you need in a game?
Where will find the Variants?
How to Access a Database?
How to determine Shipping point?
What is planning? How is it used, and what are its advantages? Is it feasible to use planning in real-time games? If so, name any titles where planning has been used for any part of the AI. Describe the architecture of a planning-based AI system for any genre of game.
How can you load large amounts of data from flat-text files?
How does a flocking-based steering system work? What are the components of a flocking-based steering system, and how are they combined? When does flocking-based steering break down or produce undesirable results? Are there any performance implications of the standard flocking model as described by Craig Reynolds, and if so, what are some ways to address them?