minimum how many years of experience your company wants
What would be your dearm job? Why?
What are the Roles and responsibilities of senior Team leader
why are u not go for teaching prof.
in your opinion, do we work for a living or we live for a working?
What are the roles of a quality analyst?
iam intermidiat 2005/2006 batch faild in intermidiat 2007 examination alow in a 2013
what is the difference between coustomer service & satisfaction.
8 Answers Call Centre, Citi Bank, CitiGroup,
tell me something about yourself but something more eloborate what is bpo? what u did after passing ur graduation in july2009?
Are you able to work with multiple phone lines?
say something about a hill station..
8 Answers Godfrey Phillips, HCL, IBM, TCS,,about.the.contract?
You have studied BCA. Now why do you want to join HSBC Call centre i.e a banking company.