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Citi Bank Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How can I get the value of an object property or variable in another frame?

1 6131

12 revolutions takes 1/8 th second time.In 20 seconds how many revolutions?

7 19526

In a company 3/5 of people know shorthand 1/4th know typing and 1/5 know both. What fraction of people do not know both?

14 29645

1/8 is devided by 's' , if 's' is incresed by 2 times, what is the result?

6 10937

what do you know about this company ?

3 17987

The name of the place with which the famous no-tax campaign in Andhra is associated during the Freedom Movement in Andhra (1) Chirala (2) Perala (3) Pedanandipadu (4) Nellore

2 13545

where do u see urselfgoing in the next 5 years?

6 13923

hai friends ,i have HSBc exam on this sunday,my platform is Mainframe,i have 1 year exp,pls any one send me placement papers of Hsbc and technical questions on mainframe

6 22653

what do you mean by Bank reconcilation statement

29 55326

What is ur strength and weakness.

57 171678

How can a servlet refresh automatically if some new data has entered the database?

3 17747

How CRR rate hike will help to reduce Inflation rate.

1 4659

what are the components or companies of BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange Sensex ?

2 5614

what is the difference between coustomer service & satisfaction.

8 12534

Write test scenario of calendar.

3 17071

Post New Citi Bank Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are differences between ruby and python?


What is execute immediate in oracle?


What are abstract classes and anonymous classes?


What is the use of contextloaderlistner in spring mvc?


List the various categories of highlighters.


What is customer credit management according to you?


What is difference between input and raw_input?


Tell us what is the difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning?


What are the parameters that we can pass through a stored procedure?


What is "dunning" in sap?


c program which behaves like a shell(command interpreter). it has its own prompt say "NewShell$".any normal shell command is executed from your shell by starting a child process to execute a system program corrosponding to the command


What does tagging someone mean?


Explain the significance of routing? : mvc


What is Object Caching in Visual Studio 2010?


I want to persist data of objects for later use. What is the best approach to do so?