Rate analysis for construction of a solid block masonary of size 400x200x200 in C.M.1:5 in superstructure .Compressive strength 5.00 N/Sq.mm Confirming to IS: 12894:1990, with necessary scaffolding, raking of joints and pointing the same. I require rate per Cum.
Q 1) 1 Mason and 2 LABOUR / _________CUM brick work Q 2) 1 Mason and 1 LABOUR / _________SQ FT Plaster work Q 3) 1 Carpenter & 2 Labour/_________SQ FT shuttering work Q 4) 100 SQ FT roof slab concreting ____________mason and labour required
What is Shoe Footing ?
2 Answers Bhandari Associates,
how we calculate the vol.of wet concrete..?
how the centre of gravity is used in construction?
what is difference between design mix and nominal mix,where the design mix is used?
How Calculate Lap Length
how many cubic ft. for 50 kg ( 1 bag ) cement?
Which is the IS code Using for Cement Sand Mortar
sir how can we find the cement and sand required for making 4" drop
Cut Linten (RCC-1:2:4)on 10" wall - what should be the width and hight of cut Linten? Secondly, 1 X 1.6 foot,4" thick window sun/rain shed (Chajja)should consume steel,Cement, sand and Stone chips?
What is the basic difference between OPC
wat would be the probable interview questions and GD topics for IOCL exam?