Neutral CT for 45MVA 132/11 KV YNd11 Transformer. NCT REF CLASS-PS or 5P20 with 20VA burden which is suitable.
slipring induction motor starting time Lrs operating why lrs starting time lrs outer body didn't get shock
What is the Operating Powerfactor of UPS??? Why??
some meggers have three terminals. wat is the real function of the earth terminal?
what is difference between neutral and ground wire?
What happen if 1200KW/1500KVA alternator runs at no load and high R.P.M.for one minute?
What will be done if we open the secondary of CT on load??
why fuse amperes rating are specified ratings like 32amp & 64 amps?
how "rabbit ACSR" conductors are more efficient than "weasel ACSR" conductors
How one can check the charger of the mobile phone or any other charger .......... that is it working ? if , working is it delivering the required supply which is needed by the battery to charge properly ?
oil sample dielectric test gives the insulation rupture voltage at 26 kv. is this transformer safe to be operated . The working voltage is 11 kv
some time we open engine breaker 8.0 MW load but plant not trip. and another time engine open 4.0 MW load engine trip why? individually engine breaker open & individually emergency stop why difference?
Draw the vector diagramme for Asynchronous Induction Generator at noload,half load and fullload.