What is SFU why it is used
What is the difference between MCCB, ACB & VCB
i have a 4 Mva transformer 34.5 kv / 480-277 v and i used 2 parallel 3200 amp bus duct for the secondary feeder using 3 ply of bus bar ( 3/8" x 5" ) as a common where the flexible link terminated and 6300 amps breaker for the main, the lower bus duct reaches 70 degrees and the upper bus duct reaches 55 degrees when i used thermal scanner. why the temperature is not balance when the load reaches 3600 amps.
Now I inject 1kv DC supply r&y=??? R&Y=?? Y&B=?? B&R=???? RYB&N=??? RYBN&E=????? Minimum value====???????
What is the Ideal Earth to Neutral Rating for Techonology Equipment like Routers, Switched, PABX, Computers etc etc?
For testing 33kv cable hipot testing. How much kv we have to Apply .Give in details.
what voltage to be select in megger for insulation resistance testing to L.V , H.T cables,motors and transfomer?and ohms valve should be giga ohms only or what?
1 Answers Deevya Shakti Paper Mills,
what clearance required for 4.5 mva dry type transformer?
what is the purpose that we use PLC system in power system
what is harmonics? what are the factors it will depend upon
why transformer does not obey ohms low?
ynchronous M/C with under excitation with reactive power absorption , acts as a) synch. Motor b) synch gen c) synchr capacit