what is harmonics?
what are the factors it will depend upon
how does a current carrying conductor posess a magnetic field. what is the reason for the production of electro magnetic field around the conductor
If i am running of spindle at 2000rpm ,but How to spindle stop at the second I am resetting the machine in CNC machines
If ROC does not lies inside unit circle,then ? a) Fourier transform converges b) Z transform converges c) Hatly transform converges d) Colpit Transform converges.
How we calculate the current carriying capacity of the different sizes of Aluminium busbar ?
3 Answers ABB, Raj Process Equipments, Visa Steel,
0 Answers Engineers India Limited,
SUTIABLE FOR ohm's law super conductor
How to calculate the phase to phase clearness of HT /// LT bus bar?????
My ups output shows 230 v between phase and neutral,but show zero between phase and earth.Is the system/installation is correct.If not what will be the possible reasons
What OPGW is better than Microwave or PLCC???
In a circuit a capacitor (paper capacitor ) was burned due to over voltage in this case can we replace that type cappacitor with other tye capacitor ?
The reason why the sending end and receiving end voltage sare almost equal when capacitive load is added.
An active element is one which a. Supplies energy b. Absorbs energy c. Supplies energy and convert energy from one form to another