what isIS code no for preparation of BAR BENDING SHEDULE (BBS)
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how to compute slab reinforcements on step by step procedures??
details of steeel
why we used shahabad stone (ladi) in box type water proofing.what is the main roll of shahabad stone?
How to calculate the quantity of brick or mortar in m3. like in 1m3 brick =....no. .......mortar=....m3
Calculate the quantity of concrete for the following. 2 Under-reamed cast in situ pile of 300 mm dia. of 10.00 m length.
what is the minium content of cementous material per cu meter
what is the ratio of m50 grade in concrete block
Explain the difference between slab and beam?
Steel requirement in kg of 6" thk slab Total qty 32.64 m3 Beam / column qty 35.39 m3
m20 grate concret mix,if sand&agregate take by wights for 1 bag cement so how much any formula?
Why is loose concrete removed from the surface where new concrete is to be done?
What is the full form of BHEL? A) Bharat hydroelectricity Limited B) Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited C) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited D) Bharat Heavy Enterprises Limited