what isIS code no for preparation of BAR BENDING SHEDULE (BBS)
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why steel is used in rcc columns? what is its purpose?
mix proportion of M20 AND what are different grades below it
6 Answers B L Kashyap, L&T, Panchshil Infrastructure,
where we use one way slab and two way slab?
How many bags of cement will be required for 45.5 M^3 Concrete with the ratio of 1 Cement+1 Crash+ 2 Sand+1 Gravel?
0 Answers First MicroFinance Bank FMFB,
please help me to find a mix design ratio for M40....
How to calculate the Qty of Mortar in 1 m3 Brick work? Detailed Calculation Required?
What is the least count of Theodalite survey?
What is the best design for building bridges?
In csae of hume pipes NP stands for Non Pressure bur what does it really mean?
How to calculate strirubs hook length? one of my friend said unit of steel*dia of steel*no of bend=hook length is correct r wronge
where is shear stress max and min in rcc beams?
What is meant by Anchorage length? Development Length?