why do MCB melt but not tripped in lighting highmast??
Answer / ravi sekhar
its used for the high ratin of mcb its not tripped
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i applied for the ap transco please forward the freqventley asked QA
There is no such thing as a Generator. All power generating devices are Alternator since both generate alternating current since this is the only way electrical power can be generated. In "generators" the alternating current is converted into DC inside the housing of the "generator" in order to give out DC Do you agree? If not please educate me. How else is DC generated if not like above?
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i need some project topics along with circuit diagram in the electrical adnd electronics engg and also give ome website regarding projects.my mail id is thenmozhi2k7@gmail.com .please help me.
Lux meter is the measuring device to measure the lux level of lighting fixture. in industrial sector two types of lighting fixture is being used as street lighting purpose 1. HPSV (Sodium) and 2. HPMV (Mercury). HPMV having white light which is an combination of red, blue and yellow colour, while HPSV haivng Yellow lighting. in HPSV red & blue colour will be absent. during measurement of the lux level of HPSV and HPMV fixture. 1. Lux meter can measure the actual lux level of both fixture? 2. or it will show false reading for HPSV fixture light as it has only yellow light present. please give me answer
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