Where barrel pump use?
In Distillation Process heat transfer and mass tansfer will occur or not? alsowhere it will takes place?
ENGINEERING ECONOMY - EXAMPLE 7.2 : In the purchase of a machine with a period n = 8.5 years, the minimum attractive rate of return, i = 12 %, the cost P = $55000, F = $4000 is the salvage, annual maintenance A = $3500. The return of the investment or equivalent uniform annual benefit is $15000. The equivalent uniform annual cost is P (A / P, i, n) + A - F (A / F, i, n). The investment is considered acceptable only when equivalent uniform annual benefit is greater than the equivalent uniform annual cost. From the compound interest table, (A / P, i = 12 %, n = 8 years) = 0.2013, (A / P, i = 12 %, n = 9 years) = 0.1877, (A / F, i = 12 %, n = 8 years) = 0.0813, (A / F, i = 12 %, n = 9 years) = 0.0677. Prove by calculations whether the investment above is acceptable.
how much type question asking sulfuric acid plat interview. if not maintain acid temp. and conc. what will happen
is petroleum a mixture of hydrocarbon?
A concentric, counter-current heat exchanger is used to cool lubricating oil. Water is used as the coolant. The mass flow rate of oil into the heat exchanger is 0.1 kg / s = FO. For oil, the inlet temperature TIO = 100 degree Celsius and the outlet temperature TOO = 55 degree Celsius. For water, the inlet temperature TIW = 35 degree Celsius and the outlet temperature TOW = 42 degree Celsius. What is the mass flow rate of water in kg / s, FW needed to maintain these operating conditions? Constant for heat capacity of oil is CO = 2131 J /(kg K) and for water is CW = 4178 J /(kg K). Use the equation (FO)(CO)(TIO – TOO) = (FW)(CW)(TOW – TIW).
What are some typical applications for glass-lined reactors?
Question 66 – The drag coefficient Cd = 0.05 and lift coefficient Cl = 0.4 for a levelled flow aircraft are measured. The velocity of the aircraft is v = 150 ft / s with its weight W = 2677.5 pound-force. (a) Find the value of the lift of the aircraft, L, when it is also its weight. (b) The drag of the aircraft, D = Cd M, L = Cl M. Find the value of D. (c) The power required is P = Dv. If 1 pound-force x (ft / s) = 1.356 W, find the value of P in the unit of Watt or W.
A 1.5 weight % aqueous salt solution is concentrated to 4 weight % in a single-effect evaporator. The feed rate to the evaporator is F = 7500 kg / h and the feed is at 85 degree Celsius. The evaporator operates at 1 bar. By assuming that only pure solvent of water exists in the form of vapor from the feed, calculate the flow rate of such vapor V.
Are there flow velocity restrictions to avoid static charge build up in pipelines?
QUANTUM COMPUTING - EXAMPLE 32.9 : In quantum computing, find the equations of S = (a | 0 > + b | 1 >) (g | 0 > + d | 1 >) in term of | 00 >, | 01 >, | 10 > and / or | 11 > when ad = 0.
CHEMICAL MATERIAL BALANCE - EXAMPLE 2.5 : In a non-dilute absorber, the inlet gas stream consists of 8 mol % carbon dioxide in nitrogen. By contact with room temperature water at atmospheric pressure, 65 % of the carbon dioxide from a gas stream has been removed. (a) Find the mole ratio of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases at inlet and outlet gas streams. (b) The Henry's Law provides y = 1640 x for carbon dioxide in water. Find the mole ratio when x = 0.0000427. Mole ratio is y / (1 - y) for y.
In a crusher where is the energy provided to it is used up for?