the reaction in which large molecule split up to their smaller units by the addition of water molecules is called as
chlorination of methane is possible and a mixture of products are obtained. Is flourination and Bromination of methane is possible?
what is the defferance between ion and an ion
why most of the organic compounds gives absorption spectra rather than emission spectra?
Why some type of assays having limit 98% to102%? (if any compound having assay limit 100)
3 Answers Asia Pharma, Reddy Labs,
Define the term distribution coefficient in organic chemistry.
What is the effect of halogen on reactivity of benzene ring and what is the reason for decreasing reactivity?
who is father of organic chemistry?
6 Answers Capricorn Pharma, NCL,
What is the difference between cracking, pyrolysis, destructive distillation, hydroforming, carbonization and dry distillation?
functional groups present in the darvon compound
why antharacene use hplc calibration
Which is useful in the manufacture of Insectisides?
How to synthesize methylene bisthiocyanate using CH2Cl2 and NaSCN?