how to nfind out the specific gravity of sand.aggregate,water
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4. What is your philosophy / attitude towards work?
what is the unit of heat of hydration?
how lap length is increased with increase of Grade of steel?
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how much steel is required foe following components.. footing- plinth beam- column- beam- slab-
what is the use of bottom reinforcement in Cantilever Beam?
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how much cement is contained in 1:5 ratio 4" brickwork for 1 sqft
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Cut Linten (RCC-1:2:4)on 10" wall - what should be the width and hight of cut Linten? Secondly, 1 X 1.6 foot,4" thick window sun/rain shed (Chajja)should consume steel,Cement, sand and Stone chips?
1 cft concrete equal how many kgs