I want to know which cable would be best to carry 125A current to a distance of 50m. Voltage is 3phase. Kindly share the formula with answer.
1 Answers Medway Educational Consultant,
What is CCTV System???Applications........
16 Answers Emerson, Honeywell, Joyalukkas,
What is main purpose of chock coil and starter in florescent tube ?
why breaker closing coil gets burnt if supply is continously provided to it.
working principle of oil startar
why generation is done in delta nad transmission in star? brief
what is the difference between inductive load and capacitive load?give me some examples in general
How can we save theft of wire after finishing of wiring work, plz suggest another answer other than security or supervisor's work?
If a HV Underground Cable (13.8KV) is layed in the ground below 1.5 Mtrs and any building construction is done on the Cable route. IS this allowable or Not? What should be the clearance. As per ISO construction on HV cable route is safe or Not? Why? Can any body suggest the site for my question?
like the transformer another electrical static device which operate on same priencipal?
13 Answers Power Grid, Vishal Transformers,
how to size H.T & L.T Panel ?
why the rating of dc generator is in kw where as rating of alternator is in kva?