Why AC current leads voltage in capacitor and how?
What is an alternator impedance value?
Lux meter is the measuring device to measure the lux level of lighting fixture. in industrial sector two types of lighting fixture is being used as street lighting purpose 1. HPSV (Sodium) and 2. HPMV (Mercury). HPMV having white light which is an combination of red, blue and yellow colour, while HPSV haivng Yellow lighting. in HPSV red & blue colour will be absent. during measurement of the lux level of HPSV and HPMV fixture. 1. Lux meter can measure the actual lux level of both fixture? 2. or it will show false reading for HPSV fixture light as it has only yellow light present. please give me answer
Waht is Inductor?
how you taken aotitude test
why we use copper earthing for neutral while for body GI.
1 Answers Chennai Metro Rail Limited CMRL, Valeo Lighting Systems India Private Limited,
How will you justify IR value and Charging voltage of any motor,transformer and Cables.......???? . . . . . . . . Plz tell me any body Baljeet Singh, engineer_89@refiff.com
How can calculate the earthing strip of Copper/GI for rating of 30kV,discharge current 10KA Lightning arrester.
how does an energy meter works?
1 ton AC takes how much current( starting & stable)
what is a speed of rotor when we give supply to stator of 50hz and as well as rotor of 60hz of an induction motor?????