important question on stones
What should be the required steel in column, beam and slab
9. What have you done to improve or develop your knowledge / professional qualifications in the last year?
what is right & short method of measurement of slab&beam
how i can tak Quantity of mortar in block work
How to calculate steel for a wall foundation form drwaing
How much quantity of rod binding work by a rod binder per day
father of soil mechanics
what are the different types of sizes of bricks?
what is the allowable limit of wastage of cement for RMC at plant operated manualy
what is the formula of concrete quantity
4 Answers NKB, Soma Enterprises,
Can anybody explain with the help of sketeches that what are 2legged , four legged & 6legged stirrups and how to calculate cut length of diamond ring(stirrups)?
how many numbers of 4inch bricks and get consumed in 9 inch BB masonary wall in cubic feet.plz send my below e.mail adress
0 Answers Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital,