How to calculate steel for a wall foundation form drwaing
what is mean by bond strength?
which Indian standerd code is used for billing
4 Answers Desai Construction, DLF, NKG Infrastructure,
which one is strong? field weld or shop weld?
what is the grade of 1:2:1 concrete mix
How find out Rolling margin of steel dia.wise?
What is the difference between built area and super built up area?
what affect on the structure and related beam of slab when provide one way slab insteade of two way slab
how you can say about a slab that it is one way or two way.
How to evaluate the elastic modulus of soil from the plate load test result? for example of test results are here Max. settement =4.56mm(at 900kPa) Residual settlement = 4.02mm Maximum pressure on soil 900kpa Soil bearing capacity 300kpa Plate diameter=300mm Thickness =25mm Soil description =Grey, clayey silty SAND with gravels and rock fragments
Can inverted beams used in pipes during construction? If yes, explain how it can be implemented?
i am completed my EEE in 2009,,,iam trying the job 3+ for AUTO CAD (ELECTRICAL),, what is the market for autocad electrical in hyderabad... how to handle the intervws give some suggestions ?
In built up area basis what is ratio of concrete