A double circuit with dog conductor 66KV Transmission
line from wind farm evacuation to feeding substation
having capacity of 25MW for transmission. Can same
transmission network be considered for further expansion
of Power & how much in MW. If we need to expand next 10-15
MW more will there any augmentation is required in
transmission network? Kindly reply asap.
my first school?
you have an automatic voltage regulator at home for your appliances,if the voltage in your area drops from 220v to 190v,does the output of the automatic voltage regulator drops?or does it retains the 220v output?
if single phase is 230 v three phase is 440 v then what about two phase?and why is it so?
why three phase system is not preferred in aircrafts power cckts if yes than explain reasons?
What is the difference between Dielectric and Insulator
Sir, how to calculate the voltage drop and short circuit current of cable. please give me example and formulas.
why are we maintaining some specific gravity in battery ?
why dc series motors never start without some load, and what will happen if starting with out load..
Dear sir, How to calculate 3.5 core pvc aluminium armoured cable meter wise carrying amps rating.Please give the solution with a good example.
what are 3 factors when selecting a contactor for a job?
How to select the rating of a CT used for REF protection. The rating can be of equal rating of Phase current or neutral current rating
Why does inductor is connected to dc supply? or what is the role of an inductor when connected to DC source?