Why in Hv transmission line as we see there are generally 6 or
more than 4 conductor wires are used instead of 4 i.e. 3 for
phase and 1 for neutral wire?????
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Answer / siddhant
Transmission lines are generally delta connected, hence they
don't have neutral wire.They are generally of two types
Single Circuit, Double Circuit lines.Single circuit consists
of 3-Phases R,Y,B.Double Circuit just consists of 2 Single
circuit lines.For economizing the cost of transmission lines
it is tried to use as many Double Circuit towers as land
cost to build these towers are increasing day by day.Even 4
circuit towers are also in use at places which have 4x3=12
conductors.Above stands for 33KV,132KV & 220KV transmission
lines. The conductors used are ASCR(aluminum Conductor steel
reinforced) or AAAC(All aluminium alloy conductor).
For 400KV lines each phase consists of 2conductors generally
known as bundled conductors (ACSR/AAAC -Moose variant)i.e
total 6 conductors for Single ckt., 12 conductors for Double
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Answer / sudhakar.g
Generally HV transmission lines are like SUSPENSION towers they are very high cost to transmit the supply, In that case it is good to put 6 conductors and also if u saw that means it is generally construct like that on each side with porcelian insulators hanging with conductors....I think the conductor use the HV transmission lines are ACSR-Aluminium conductor steel reinforced....
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