can you tell me test case for whatsapp?

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can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / mudaseer

to verify whatsapp is installing when i search for whatsapp in google playstore and click on install

to verify whatsapp is opening when i click on whatsapp icon after installation

to verify phone number text box is present when i open the whatsapp

to verify whatsapp is accepting 10 digit phone number when i enter phone number in phone number text box and click on submit
to verify an alert message is displayed when i enter a phone number less than 10 numbers in phone number text box

to verify message(code) is sent to my mobile when i enter my mobile number in phone number text field

to verify whatsapp is activated when i enter the correct code in code field which was sent to my phone

to verify whatsapp is not activated when i enter wrong code in code field
to verify profile photo is upload when i upload the photo by browsing from the phone
to verify whatsapp status is updated when i type and save the status
to verify whatsapp contacts is displaying when whatsapp is activated in my phone
to verify message is sent to a friend when i open a contact and type and click on send
to verify photo is sent when i browse and click on send
to verify video is sent when i browse video and click on send
to verify multiple photos are sent when i select multiple photos and click on send.

to verify message is displayed as undelivered when there is no internet and message gets delivered when phone is connected to internet
to verify group is created when i enter group name and enter the contacts name and click on create

to verify all the messages are getting delivered when users send and many more test cases

Is This Answer Correct ?    119 Yes 16 No

can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / pradeep

Check whether the "+" icon is working properly or not
Click on the "+" icon
It Should have to display the contacts

Start the Conversation
Click on a particular contact to start the conversation
It Should have to open a window of a particular contact with additional buttons like back button,options button etc..

Check the details of a contact
It Should have to display the profile photo and name of the particular contact

To Check the Available status of a person It Should have to display the status of a contact as Online or last seen with date,time Ex: last seen 10:35 PM ,Last Seen 25/12/2014 05:04 AM

To Check the Back button Click on the Back Button It should redirect to Chat list

To Check Attach a file option Click on Attach a file option It Should opens a menu which contains Gallery,Camera,Video recording

To Check the Gallery option Click on Gallery It Should redirect to browse contents in our mobile storage

To Check the Gallery option It Should have SEND and CANCEL buttons to perform operations

To Check the Gallery option Attach a file which includes images,videos,music files and Click SEND It Should allow us to attach such a files

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 7 No

can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / neelima

Ask the interviewer for the requirements or Modules they want us to write test cases for.

There are many modules like installation procedure, internet reconnection, interrupt , killing the application and checking for Apple/GCM push notifications, long sleep of device and getting a whatsapp notification etc..

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 4 No

can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / parth patil

Test Cases For Whats App Status: -
1. Verify when click on the Status button.
2. Verify when double click on the Status button.
3. Verify when click on the Status button and it should redirect on the required page.
4. Verify when click on My Status button.
5. Verify when click on My Status button. Click on Text button.
6. Verify when user enters a single letter in Text and Click on upload button.
7. Verify when user enters a single word in Text and Click on upload button.
8. Verify when user enters double words with Space in Text and Click on upload button.
9. Verify when user enters multiple words with Space in Text and Click on upload button.
10. Verify when user enters a single numeric in Text and Click on upload button.
11. Verify when user enters double numeric with space in Text and Click on upload button.
12. Verify when user enters multiple numerics in Text and Click on upload button.
13. Verify when user enters alphanumeric in Text and Click on upload button.
14. Verify when user enters Special and Junk Character in Text and Click on upload button.
15. Verify Trim for the Text.
16. Verify for maximum length for Text.
17. Verify for minimum length for Text.
18. Verify when user enters invalid characters in Text and click on the Upload button.
19. Verify when user enters valid characters in Text and click on the Upload button.
20. Verify when user enters valid characters in Text and click on the color button.
21. Verify when user enters valid characters in Text and click on the color button. Text background should be changed.
22. Verify when user enters valid characters in Text and click on the color button. And Click on Upload button.
23. Verify when click on My Status button. Select single photo and click on the Send button.
24. Verify when click on My Status button. Select photo and click on the Add a caption. And it should be added a caption.
25. Verify when click on My Status button. Select photo and click on the Add a caption. And click on the Upload button.
26. Verify when click on My Status button. Select multiple photo and click on the Send button.
27. Verify maximum limit of select of photos.
28. Verify minimum limit of select of photos.
29. Verify when click on My Status button. Select single Audio File and click on the Send button.
30. Verify when click on My Status button. Select multiple Audio and click on the Send button.
31. Verify maximum length of Audio File.
32. Verify minimum length of Audio File.
33. Verify when click on My Status button. Select Audio File and click on the Add a caption. And it should be added a caption.
34. Verify when click on My Status button. Select Audio File and click on the Add a caption. And click on the Upload button.
35. Verify when click on My Status button. Select single Video File and click on the Send button.
36. Verify when click on My Status button. Select multiple Video File and click on the Send button.
37. Verify maximum length of Video File.
38. Verify minimum length of Video File.
39. Verify when click on My Status button. Select Video File and click on the Add a caption. And it should be added a caption.
40. Verify when click on My Status button. Select Video File and click on the Add a caption. And click on the Upload button.
41. Verify when user leave Add a caption as empty and Click on upload button.
42. Verify when user enters a single letter in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
43. Verify when user enters a single word in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
44. Verify when user enters double words with Space in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
45. Verify when user enters multiple words with Space in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
46. Verify when user enters a single numeric in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
47. Verify when user enters double numeric with space in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
48. Verify when user enters multiple numeric in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
49. Verify when user enters alphanumeric in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
50. Verify when user enters Special and Junk Character in Add a caption and Click on upload button.
51. Verify Trim for the Add a caption.
52. Verify for maximum length for Add a caption.
53. Verify for minimum length for Add a caption.
54. Verify when click on My Status button. Select single Link Address and click on the Send button.
55. Verify when click on My Status button. Select multiple Link Addresses and click on the Send button.
56. Verify maximum length of Link Address.
57. Verify minimum length of Link Address.
58. Verify when click on My Status button. Select Single Link Addresses and click on the Send button.
59. Verify when click on My Status button. Select multiple Link Addresses and click on the Send button.
60. Verify maximum length of Link Address.
61. Verify minimum length of Link Address.

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can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / ashwani thapa

let suppose we have to do an exploratory testing, in that case no requirements are there. then we can manually create various test scenarios and hence can make some test cases for those, involving all the testing methodologies.

but i suppose in the case of well established app like whatsapp, adhoc testing can play a major part.

i did it for whatsapp once, and found one bug.
but now they have updated their app and so not a problem in that.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / swati

First of all, we need the requirement for the Watsapp!
What you want to test in watsapp ? After collecting the
requirement only we can create Testcase.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 20 No

can you tell me test case for whatsapp?..

Answer / mudaseer

install whats app from play google then it will ask please enter your number enter your number it will send message to your number that your code is 1234(example)

click on whats app then it displays the friends who are using whats app

then send message to your friend send photo video audio
create a group to broad cast message video
broad cast message to your friends

add profile picture
do load testing because it is used by many people and many more test cases
install the app on different android devices and versions 2.2,2.3,4
(compatibility testing)
check the app on different platforms like windows,iphone andriod blackberry

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 20 No

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