If the capacity of water Tank is 50000 Liters situated at 20
meters height from ground level,What would be the size of
pipe and how much USGPH water will be supplied and what will
be the motor or pump rating used for this work?Illustrate by
showing formula?
what is the differation bewreen kwh & fundamental kwh in electronic trivector meters
A three phase load, around 4 km away from the 11/0.433KV distribution transformer (Neutral of Transformer is solidily earthed) and consisting of mainly very costly and sensitive electronic equipments is giving trouble due to high voltage difference between neutral and body earth. Whether this problem can addressed by connecting neutral at the load point solidly to earth?
what is the difference between indoor package substation and outdoor
what happens if commutator is removed in an dc machine?
what is the different between surgearrester and lighting arrester
What is the difference between a Root Locus plot and a Bode plot?
What's the part of OTCC in transformer?
What is the minimum permissive IR value for LT & HT motor for safe starting?
During FEED, you will have all the information with regards to cable. How will you calculate the MTO for MV and LV Cables? what are your considerations?
define regulation
hi,every one, i have to write the search paper on "performance policy optimization" of NGN (next generation networks). i need the material on this topic. can any body help me. please tell me any useful site where the good material is available and name of any reference book. it should be a great help for me.
what is the current law ?