What is the per cu. mt. price of ready mix in Gujarat region.?
Which tests are performed on soil to decide the type of foundation to be provided.
How much is the cover for slab?
How and where from do we get 162 for calculating sectional weight of TMT
I have an plot with area 35*47 = 182.77 sq yards. Out of this iam planning to construct house with 1350 sqfeet each floor .iwanted to build a G+2 house.Need cost estimation for each item
What is relation between weight and grade of concrete?
How many cum of 9.5mm stone in 1 ton ?
What the advantages and disadvantage of using 90mm and 100mm bricks for a wall of a house? Thanks for any input.
HDPE pipe standard bends using for TSE irrigation? is it possible to use 30 degree?
what is the basic fundamental of contouring?
what is the full form of following sueface type of road - AC,CC,(PM,DM,SB),(CG,Ma,Me), G,E,O
difference between minor and major bridge.
rate analysis of shuttering