how point on wave controller works.
what is the use of commutator in dc motor if we supply ac ? commutator is used to convert ac to dc.and it is used to arrange the flux in unidirectional in case of dc supply. if we give ac as supply to dc motor what is the use of commutator?
There are Two questions about Steam Turbine Generator... What is HRSG bypass of LP, HP used for in power generation? In particualar, in the event that fault of HP bypass, there would be STG TRIP in operation but none on the LP bypass fault...what's the reason ?
regarding safety what would u consider the most important rules to observe when inspecting electrical equipment?
0 Answers Reliance, Southco Utility,
The transformer which is smallest in size is and how to calculate that? The options are 100 KVA, 50 Hz 100 KVa, 100 Hz 100 KVA, 25 Hz 50KVA, 25 HZ
4 Answers Ranbaxy, Zee Laboratories,
why electron flow is opposite to current flow?
How does a diesel generator works?
when a three phase motor in running condition consumes 2A in each phase,and if one of the phase gets fails what will be the consumption in other two phases
In VSD (variable speed drive)I/P and O/P connections given wrongly what will happen?
why we r used APFC Panel in industrial area.when P.F. low then wat will be the effect in our system?
10 Answers ABB, Georgio Rocks, Piramal Healthcare, Zenith Engineering Corporation,
What is the Ideal Earth to Neutral Rating for Techonology Equipment like Routers, Switched, PABX, Computers etc etc?
What difference between TRANSFORMERS and TRANSDUCERS???
can we use ZNyn11 transformer instead of Dyn11 transformer in distribution for effectively eliminating harmonics from the industrial loads.