ceiling fan wattages rating
why Ac current is alternating in nature?(or)why alternating current changes its direction?
How many 2 ton window A/c can runs on a 125 KVA generator?
what is meant by loss of field in a DC motor? how a universal motor works?
How can we connect additional batteries to three phase ups? What are parameters we have to check when connecting?
why transformer rating is always in KVA
Fault current shall be part of tech specs of power cable or not?.
What transistor level design tools are you proficient with? What types of designs were they used on?
Why dc Supply used in Control circuit.
what is CT class? depending upon which it is classified?
Why PS class CT is always preferred for Differential protection?
while doing the excitation current test on power transformer what is the value of voltage to be applied? Nomonal rated voltage or 10% of rated voltage? Is it necessary to apply on high voltage side?
What will be the minimum megger value of 1700 KVA Transformer? a) Do megger value varies according to climate conditions and area . b) If megger value is 100 mega ohm is it good for new transfomer. Explain?