if you are walking on a streat and a beautifull girl is also
walking on the other side of the road .............now
complete the whole story .........????

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if you are walking on a streat and a beautifull girl is also walking on the other side of the road..

Answer / tushant (yash) rajpal

if i am walking on a streat and suddenly i saw a beautifull
girl walking on the other side of the streat.i stop suddenly
to see that girl and instantly after seeing that i got a dream
that if i know that girl then i never let her go anywhere. at
that time i thought that i should talk to that girl about his
nature, interest, but at the other side i thought that if the
girl dont like my attitude or way of asking any thing then she
will be hurted by me. and to hurt such a beautifull girl my
heart never give a permission. suddenly i have gone from there
towards my home and that preety girl gone anywhere.

this was the time when i thought that if that girl would be
mine then i would be the happiest man of the world.

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if you are walking on a streat and a beautifull girl is also walking on the other side of the road..

Answer / france

if i am walking in a street and i saw a beautiful girl is
also walking on the other side of the road. i keep my eyes
on her. she is really beautiful.i think i am desperate to
talk to her so i am thinking how i can talk to her, how i
can ask her name and mobile no. if i go directly to her
she will mind because i am a stranger. while i am thinking
she is crossing road and she is saying hello to a boy.That
boy is giving red flowers to her. i am sure he is her
boyfriend. in a moment my dream destroyed then i started
walking to other side and started looking for other girl.

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