In a star to star transformer can we use a common neutral for
both star connected primary and secondary
Why electricity is generated and transmitted at the values of multiples of 11?
What is C.T, why it is used and what care should be taken for that while connecting?
20 Answers Bhushan Power Steel,
what is the difference between 3 phase 3wire &3phase 4 wire meter?what is the advantage of 3p3w over 3p4w?
What is the role of the 50 STUB protection at a GIS 400KV substation with SIEMENS protection relays?
What is different between Metering CTs and Protection CTs?
transformer test
how power trnafor from 1 point to another point in bus bar ya transmission line( voltage trnasfer from 1 point to another poin)
why transformer neutrol is grounding
what is difference between start imitation and start interlock for 3 phase motor protection ?
how to give earthing in ships?
state basic meaning of 'INDUSTIAL AUTOMATION'?
what is the diffrence between earth and neutral.