how to calculate the minimum permissible limts of
insulation resistance of switchyard equipments
What is the effect of positive feedback on stability of the system?
is 60hz freq better than 50 hz?&why?
The 3 phase 400 hp 440 volt slip ring induction motor do not take one phase amps why ? The motor is running good condition
Explain Random and Deterministic signals?
What is voltage
30 kVA and voltage 380/220VAC how to find out kA?
What are the main advantages of generalized error co-efficients?
Difference between UPS and Inverter?
Why Ferranti effect not occurs at full load?
what is defference by mcb,mccb and mpcb
Does the electricity supply authority send its customers power (kW) or voltape (V)? Asked by Ivan Muliro
i have 3500 amp load and select current transformer and i calculate .please understand