i am testing an online shopping application.I CLICK on a
link "ADD TO CART" of that application a "new page" is open
and then click on any object of that "new page". after that
when i run this SCRIPT then on this "new page" QTP always
shows error of "OBJECT NOT FOUND". How i solve this problem ?
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Answer / swetha
first we need to check whether those objects in that page
are being added to the object repository or not.if objects
are added but still it is not identifying then go to object
repository and change the properties of the not identifying
object so that to uniquely identify that object still it is
not identifying then using virtual object configuration
concept we can make the specified area of the application as
a specified object to make qtp to identify the object.
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Answer / vengalreddy.soma
Whatever you want test first add your objects to your
Object Repository(OR),then You will test,Qtp identifies
your objects.
If any false please correct me
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / pavan
this is problem regarding the location of the link or else
ur application load time ...so make shure when ur recording
that ur smart identifier and ordinal identifier are enabled
or not.........by this u will not get any problem....answer
from fresher may be correct
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