how we can calculate 2 phase welding transformer rating or
total power?
2.5mva transformer is installed in our company with oltc but it is not working in auto mode ,it is operative in manual mode control wiring is done how can i rectify it?
why lightining is not available in swith yards?
How can we calculate the capacitance of generator?
what must be the mf for a meter with the following conditions. line ct ratio-100/1 line pt ratio- 220kv/110v meter pt ratio- 3X63.5V meter CT ratio- -/1 A
If Two Generators are working parellel in a network and suddenly the field of one Generator get weakened What will happened if there is no reverse power relay fixed in that Generator panel????
Dear Friends, Need your help for connecting APFC panel, Quotation : I have 2 No’s 1000 KVA Transformers, both transformers are having separate APFC panels, ( Tr-1,400KVAR, TR-2,450 KVAR) Now I want to stop One transformer, present load is 650Amps, Max, So One transformer is enough, I have switched OFF TR-1, but PF is not maintaining properly, its 0.5, So now I want to connect TR-2 APFC also in TR-1 Loads, Can any one answer for my Quotation with drawing, how to connect TR-2 APFC panel in TR-1 Loads,
What is the maximum current carrying capacity for both copper and aluminium cables for 1sqmm?
What conditions are required for transformer to operate at low frequencies ?
we all know that both the generator and motor are electromechanical conversion devices.....then why we rate motor in kw and generator in kva????
What is the meaning of Fault level rating?
1 Answers Balrampur Chini Mill,
what is the purpose of using filters in a protective relaying scheme?
how we can calcultae the short circuit level for bus bar
0 Answers Jaiprakash, Panorama Apparels,