Which type of DG need Netral Earthing?
What is ignitor and why it is use in Hpmv lamp ?
why don't we use the generator as a motor? and what will happen?
I want to know all basics of electrical engineering
Is earthing done for AC or DC or both?
Lt motor sfu flashing reasons?
what is meant by twilight switches 7 where its applicable ?
what will happen if multimeter(selector switch at DC voltage) and terminal at current is connected to DC supply?
difference between torque mode and speed mode
In an ACB shunt trip coil and undervoltage coil operated normally( breaker open and charged). But closing coil not operating untill manually discharge and recharging. Any help.
what is the advantages of Lighting transformer?.. is it possible to reduce the power consumption ?.
To test Transformer we give HT side 440V to see wheather that it is producing 17.6V on LT to verify Voltage ratio is correct or not but when we give the 440V voltage to LT side then what will happen to HT voltage ?
The earth pin of some three pin plugs are seen split. why?