how much of the strength comes from post-production curing
point of contraflaxure
any one tell me what is the volumetric ratio and weigh bathing ratio of 6000 psi concrete. plz help me on this matter.
Can any one give me any link to download civil engineering code in free ?
How much steel and concrit required in 1000 square feet slab?
1) What is meant by C-soil in geotechnical Engineering? 2) What is Eve board? 3) What will happen when heat is applied to cement? 4) what do you understand by the lateral dimention ?
0 Answers Public Service Commission,
whats the field test of cement,aggregate and water
what is the procedure of wet seiving. n percentage of silt in different type of soil?
Why size of brick used at site is different from its standard size ?
Is it possible to make a feature using an overdefined sketch?
to draw bm diagrams for portal frames under different loadings//
whether earth to the height of 80cm could be filled in the basement inm place of jamuna sand
How to calculate the length of chairs provided to support the top rebar in concrete foundation