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L&T Interview Questions
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What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 52872

How do you connect the capacitors on polyphase circuits?

10 38192

Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 157463

Why a starter is used for a motor?

50 138056

What meant by lagging and leading? When if they are occurred what preventive methods should be taken?

14 52489

Whats meant by trivector meter where it is connected at the substation?

20 107826

What happens when a main method is declared as private?

22 56833

What Name space does the web page belon in the .net framework class hierarchy?

1 7521

Method of findingthe dry ingredient quantity of 1 m3 concrete.

25 191058

tell me about yourself?

10 23248

What is Liquidity Ratio?

19 40937

How can you clean up objects holding resources from within the code?

2 6418

What is a Quality Factor?

19 52175

what are active and Passive Components?

102 205487

tell about yourself, please do give with example .

40 118036

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Un-Answered Questions

What is Cassandra Database Software ?


Name the authority that mint coins in india and also name the places where the minting operation is processed?


Explain how you can transfer volume from one owner to another in openstack?


Explain c preprocessor?


Where’s global assembly cache located on the system?


What item are important in every android project ?


Which types of jdbc databases does weblogic jms support? : BEA Weblogic


How does beanfactory work in spring?


What do you understand by red-eye removal?


Which algorithm is followed in retrieving the messages from the queue?


What do you mean by view composers?


What is the meaning of scrap value in accounting?


Do you know laravel service container?


Our issue is there seems to be a disconnect, or no link, between our SELECT statement and our SD. We had SELECT SORT-FILE and SELECT SORT-FILE ASSIGN TO SORTWRK. ASSIGN TO SORTWRK1 SORTWRK2 SORTWRK3 SORTWRK4. with SD SORT_FILE RECORD CONTAINS 7833 CHARACTERS. In either case, at run time, the system ignored our SORTWRK# DD statements and allocated 16 sort works with the SORTWK## naming convention. Any ideas why the system does not recognize the connection? We do not even need the SORTWRK DD statements. Thanks


Why neutral point is consider as zero potential?