is it possible to export & import power in a same
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Answer / thakur
Yes , we use one transformer to export power in day time in solar power plant , and at night when powet plant is not genrate power , we take power from the grid or other plant for night lighting or other work , at that time we import power by same transformer and it work as step done transformer 66/11 kV .
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Answer / p.k.ghosh / visakhapatnam
I dont know in which angle you are asking this question
because transformer is not exporting & importing power but
for impoting & exporting power in a power plant we are
using same transformer.
Most of the pick load plants ( e.g. DIESEL PLANTs ) became
ideal or off in normal hours ( not in peak time )and this
time they are purchasing electricity from the electricity
board for plant's inside supply purpose. This time the
transformer in side the substation which attached to the
plant receiving power from out side feeder. The diesel
plant has to pay electricity bill for the receiving energy.
At peak hours diesel plant started to run & when the
voltage, phase, frequency etc. of alternator are
synchronized then throw the load to the out put feeders
through the transformers. Now the diesel plant is exporting
the power to the electricity board through transformer.
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