what is the difference b/w absolute encoder and incremental
What is an Antipumping relay ?
what is field flash
What happens if you give supply to the rotor of three phase induction motor?
How to check AC & DC Choke
What's ND relay & it's functions?
Hi,My name is ranms i want to know the machine vibration related problems.post me if any body knows. 1) Possible causes of machine horizontal vibration high? 2) Possible causes of machine vertical vibration high? 3) Possible causes of machine axial vibration high?
IN induction motor pf is increased using capacitors.what will be the effect on motor and system when very large capacitor is accidently installed and pf goes leading.
Define magnetic centre in a motor?
What is potientometer.How it is useful in a sychronoscope.
rating of ups??
what is diff. b/w of earth & neutral?. why we are separately using ?
what is charger supervision and control supervision?