is review done after testing process? explain
1).In a family there are many children ,boy have equal no.of brothers&sisters, girl have twice no.of brothers&sisters .Find the no.
is review done after testing process? explain
Is there anything like Post Delivery Defect Density?
what is a difference between programming language and scripting language?
User flow chart for an ecommerce website
what is the role of a performance tester in web application,pls explain advantage of testing tool rather doing it manually
What is the difference between functional testing and regression testing ?
Test cases on Feed back form page ???
1. a)in four digit no the fourth number is four time more than the second digit b)in four digit no the third number is three time less than the second number c)in four digit no the first digit is thrice than the fourth digit
compare/different Waterfall and Rapid Application Development(RAD)
define a bug
how to execute the test cases