what is the formula for calculating motor rating? Example:
If we want to rotate a 1000 kg waight disc up to 100 RPM,
which size motor will require?
How to define Kirchhoff current law and voltage law along with simply examples.
what is the relation between the leading pf and supply voltage?
what is compatible kva for 3300 watts and why
Questions :- HR- Q.1 about yourself & family background ? Q.2 Why u choose Power sector as ur carrier starting not any other sector ?? Q. 3 What think abt NTPC ? Techincal Questions:- Q.1 about Vocational Training……What u did , see the main equipments….etc Q.2 Why a transformer Noise during its running condition ? Q.3 about transformer oil material & Test name for the measurement of its dielectric strength & wht will u do if its dielectric strength goes low ? ……..some discussion type ? Q.4 What is relation between transmission lines & Communication lines ? Q.5 Which Machine u will prefer to use at a place where flammable gases are coming out & why ? Q.6 how fault in an electric system is detected & hw protection of equipments is done ? Q.7 Why we didn’t feel electric shock in an electric train ?? Q.8 Anything u want to ask from us ??
44 Answers Akona Engineering, Bhel, BSES, Cranex, DRDO, JCB, NTPC,
Resistor switching is used in which type Circuit Breaker ? a) oil filled CB b) Air blast CB c) Gas filled CB
11 Answers Engineers India Limited, wbsedcl,
How many Zones can be in Conventional type fire alarm system & how can we detect the fire in Conv. type FAS?
3Cx240 & 3Cx300 sqmm Al. cable from lv side. What is the calculation for this cable??
what is the main function of contactor?????
The efficiency of a 100kva transformer is 0.98 at full load as well as half load , for this transformer what is the Copper loss at full load ?
extremely urgent please, why a fuse is used before voltmeter but not with a ammeter connected to a CT(current transformer),thanks in anticipation.
The power supplied to a 50mH inductor from a 120V, 60Hz source will be
What is an Automatic Voltage Regultor & what is its use? What are the general componets we use to design an Automatic Voltage Regulator..What are the factors to be considered for its design?