Why (In India) we preferably go for +-30
deg connection of transformer? what are the advantages in this connection?
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what is meant by trivector meter?
how to calculate the bus bar current rating
in three 3.5 core aluminium ug cable. one cable is used for one phase by shrting R,Y and B wires and other 2 cables used for Y and b phases. balace 3 neutral wires are made common and connected to load. suddenly neutral current was more than line current what is the reason behind this?
Write the force balance equation of ideal spring element.
How to calculate CT ratio for 11KV 1500KVA Transformer 500KVA MD and 1400KVA connected load ? Note:- As per MSEB(Maharastra state electricity Board)
what will hapen if secodery circuit is open of current transformer
Why dc Supply used in Control circuit.
if acapacitor connected to power supply will it cosume power& will it going to get recorded in energy meter
What are the main advantages of generalized error co-efficients?
What are the types of bus duct?
how does calculate loss correction factor in transformer
I want to know what is the short circuit level when 8 NOS 2000 kVA, 415v, 50hZ generator connected in paraller