Can you help me to explain briefly the function of Op-Amp
in circuit design.tq
Explain how to calculate the rectangle of conductor of different sizes?
what is ups and inverters. and how to give battery connections for ups.
In what does the Gas Leds emit radiation?
pls send me the placement papers and anyother useful information to STREAM: ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION
Convert the 16 W power into dBm.
what are the plc application in engineering.??
i mosfet is comination of what and what component
What will be maximum output current of a 30KVA isolation Transformer?
i had cmpltd my diploma with 89% in ECE and i got call letter foe the interview of isro bengaluru which bks i hv ti prefer
Explain how does a signal differ from a wave?
What is the purpose of using an instrumentation amplifier.
If anybody have technical test papers for HPCL. Pls, mail me on