Explain how does a signal differ from a wave?
Explain what is difference between fixed-bias circuit & self-bias circuit?
write down a program to overwrite the contents of the flag register in 8085
Why there is so many digit in Indian mobile number, but so much less in other countries such as Bangladesh.
8 Answers Ericsson, ITC Infotech,
What is the need of filtering ideal response of filters and actual response of filters?
2 Answers ABB, HCL, iFlex, Infotech, Kirloskar, NCR, Sunflag Steel, TCS, Unitek, Wipro,
wat power transmitter we use in radar n explain its principle??
What are the disadvantages of pwm control?
How the E1 speed is calculated as2.048mbps.write the full procedure.
What Is RF?
diff between AMD64 and intel P4
It is said that buffer is used when any circuit has to drive large outputs. why is buffer used?
1.Introduce yourself by telling your name ,SSC,HSC, degree marks n colleges,something about your family and interests. 2.Tell about your favourite subjects. 3.Tell how satelite communication works? 4.what you mean by handoffs in mobile communication.tel its types. 5.what you mean by signal fading?tell the factors affecting it and also tell the remedies to avoid it. 6.why the microwaves are used? 7.Draw the GSM architecture? 8.What u mean by Antenna?What are its basic components? 9.why you are interested to work in this company? 10.can you work anywhere anytime as per the our need?
hello, i have applied for PO Post.i m so confuse about ques.which type of question u wil ak in interview. i m engg. in electronics & comm. plz tel me