what is volume Testing?

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what is volume Testing?..

Answer / baba

Volume Testing means Testing the software with large volume
of data in the database.

Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 11 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / chandresh

Volume Testing belongs to the group of non-functional
tests, which are often misunderstood and/or used
interchangeably. Volume testing refers to testing a
software application with a certain amount of data. This
amount can, in generic terms, be the database size or it
could also be the size of an interface file that is the
subject of volume testing. For example, if you want to
volume test your application with a specific database size,
you will expand your database to that size and then test
the application's performance on it. Another example could
be when there is a requirement for your application to
interact with an interface file (could be any file such
as .dat, .xml); this interaction could be reading and/or
writing on to/from the file. You will create a sample file
of the size you want and then test the application's
functionality with that file in order to test the

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 1 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / madhu

yes, volume testing is subset of stress testing & load
testing, it is used to check the data base performance of
the software

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / pranik

Basically volume testing is a testing technique in which if
value is growing over time(e.g-logs and data file),will be
accepted by the program and its not stop.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / khushboo chaudhary

It is a type of non-functional testing. Volume testing
refers to testing a software application or the product with
a certain amount of data. E.g., if we want to volume test
our application with a specific database size, we need to
expand our database to that size and then test the
application’s performance on it.

“Subjecting the program to heavy volumes of data. The
purpose of volume testing is to show that the program cannot
handle the volume of data specified in its objectives”

The purpose of volume testing is to determine system
performance with increasing volumes of data in the database.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / niranjan123

Volume Testing:

Testing that purposely subjects a system (both hardware and
software) to a series of tests where the volume of data
being processed is the subject of the test.
Such systems can be transactions processing systems
capturing real time sales or could be database
updates/deletes and or data retrieval or you can say that
It is to test the volume of data is acceptable to meet the
projected capacity of the organisation's business

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 10 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / anurajjagadale

Volume testing also know as endurance testing/load testing
It test the behaviour of system under specific load for ex- e-commerce application is used by 100 user at a time.

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what is volume Testing?..

Answer / sailaja

testing the software with heavy volumes of data. it is done
to findout memory leaks and buffer overflows.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 18 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / narendra pal singh rathore

volume testing related to data structure like stack,queue.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 5 No

what is volume Testing?..

Answer / harsha

testing the stability and response time of an application by
applying a large volume of data on an application is called
as volume testing.
usually we write sql query in testing to pour a large volume
of data into an appication.

live ex:
1000 of users at a time in different swipe atm
cards and that huge volume of data is stored in server .

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

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