What are the disadvantages if neutral current exists in
grounded star transformer distribution system?
how does a submersible pump work..?
How impulse levels are calculated that for 11kV impulse is 75kvp, for 24kV impulse is 125kvp ?
What is ignitor and why it is use in Hpmv lamp ?
what is a synchronizing lamp ?
why transformer rating in kva
What happen if an alternator rotates in reverse direction?
in communication what is the role of elelctrical engineer?
What is routh hurwitz stability criterion?
what is buffer resistance starter.?.What is the working principle and where it is used..?
what is the type of starter used in tube light?
a 3 phase motor was running with delta connected, suddenly one phase winding got burnt off, what will be the effect ?
why we use copper earthing for neutral while for body GI.
1 Answers Chennai Metro Rail Limited CMRL, Valeo Lighting Systems India Private Limited,