we erected (48HP)63kva dist transformer and incoming from
11kv line,out going is 415v domastic line 2.04 km.for that
actual output current is 84A. what are the losses and final
output current.
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Answer / k.prakashchandra
More data required s.a.conductor used and single life
diagram showing loads and load factor
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Just a silly question but just to make my curious mind bac to normal - Why was not 67 and 67N relays built into a single relay as i have noticed that the R,Y,B CT wiring end up into the 67 relay while the common of the R,Y,B CT wiring end up into the 67N relay. Then it was better if a single relay was manufactured just like the distance relay (21). Another question i would like to ask is - how do we know where the 67 and 67 N relay has to be placed.why is it not placed at the transformer bay? In the substaion that i am working -i have noticed that it is placed between a breaker and a common double bus bar and this line bay is connected to another substation at a remote place which is furthur connected to a load. B U S______CT for 67 & 67N ______Breaker _____ remot s/s. B A R
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