What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the
OSI model?

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What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / swathi

The layer2 ,datalink layer is responsible for moving frames
from one hop(node)to the next.Whereas in layer3 i,e network
layer is responsible for the delivery of individual packets
from source host to destination host.

Is This Answer Correct ?    242 Yes 16 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / ahmed

Basically a layer 2 switch operates utilizing Mac addresses
in it's caching table to quickly pass information from port
to port. A layer 3 switch utilizes IP addresses to do the

While the previous explanation is the "What", for folks in
networking the following "How" is far more interesting.

Essentially, A layer 2 switch is essentially a multiport
bridge. A layer 2 switch will learn about MAC addresses
connected to each port and passes frames marked for those
ports. It also knows that if a frame is sent out a port but
is looking for the MAC address of the port it is connected
to and drop that frame. Whereas a single CPU Bridge runs in
serial, todays hardware based switches run in parallel,
translating to extremly fast switching.

Layer 3 switching is a hybrid, as one can imagine, of a
router and a switch. There are different types of layer 3
switching, route caching andtopology-based. In route
caching the switch required both a Route Processor (RP) and
a Switch Engine (SE). The RP must listen to the first
packet to determine the destination. At that point the
Switch Engine makes a shortcut entry in the caching table
for the rest of the packets to follow. Due to advancement
in processing power and drastic reductions in the cost of
memory, today's higher end layer 3 switches implement a
topology-based switching which builds a lookup table and
and poputlates it with the entire network's topology. The
database is held in hardware and is referenced there to
maintain high throughput. It utilizes the longest address
match as the layer 3 destination.

Now when and why would one use a l2 vs l3 vs a router?
Simply put, a router will generally sit at the gateway
between a private and a public network. A router can
perform NAT whereas an l3 switch cannot (imagine a switch
that had the topology entries for the ENTIRE Internet!!).
In a small very flat network (meaning only one private
network range for the whole site) a L2 switch to connect
all the servers and clients to the internet is probably
going to suffice. Larger networks, or those with the need
to contain broadcast traffic or those utilizing VOIP, a
multi network approach utilizing VLANs is appropriate, and
when one is utilizing VLANs, L3 switches are a natural fit.
While a router on a stick scenario can work, it can quickly
overtax a router if there is any significant intervlan
traffic since the router must make complicated routing
decisions for every packet that it recieves.

Is This Answer Correct ?    70 Yes 11 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / muhammad ali

The layer2 ,datalink layer is responsible for moving frames
from one hop(node)to the next.Whereas in layer3 i,e network
layer is responsible for the delivery of individual packets
from source host to destination host.

Is This Answer Correct ?    56 Yes 5 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / brajesh soni

Layer 2 is resposible for sending data b/w 2 node (within
MAC resolution) and Flow, sequence control and error
recovery by retransmission).

while layer 3 is transport the container of data with inter
network.it needs service of 3,4,5 layer to established
session,authentication,packeging data,identification of
data )

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 12 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / naresh

The layer2 ,datalink layer is responsible for moving frames
from one hop(node)to the next.Whereas in layer3 i,e network
layer is responsible for the delivery of individual packets
from source host to destination host.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 2 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / santhi

layer2,datalink layer works based on mac address where as
layer3 i.e., network layer works based on ip address.layer2
sends data(frames) to the network layer. layer2 performs
error detection but not error recovery.

layer2 devices are switches,bridges.L3 devices are
routers,etc.,. switch maintains mac table internally, router
maintains routing table internally.

In L2, the devices within the same network will
communicate,but In L3 , we can communicate with other
networks also.ie., different networks communicate by using
router or L3 switches etc.,.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / karthik

L2 is read only MAC address, whereas L3 read IP address.
L2 can not break broadcast domain, L3 can do..
L2 is data (frame), L3 is data (packet).
L2 giving frame level security, whereas L3 giving packet
level security .

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / manpreet singh

Layer 2 Switches (The Data-Link Layer)
Layer 3 Switches (The Network Layer)
Layer 4 Switches (The Transport Layer)

Is This Answer Correct ?    38 Yes 31 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / sathish

The layer2 is a Data link layer which is responsible for
communication between adjacent network node, switch is
operate the data link layer.

Whereas, layer3 is a Network layer which is responsible for
establishing the path for data transfer through the
network, and delivering the packets, router operates the
Network layer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

What is the difference between layer 2 and layer 3 in the OSI model? ..

Answer / malik muhammad mehran

On layer 2 switching is performed datagrams forward on the
basis of MAC address( switches work on this layer), in
layer 3 routing is performed data moved on the basis of IP
address( routers work on this layer)...

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 10 No

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