Telecom AllOther Interview Questions
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Define Thermal impedance?



What is the relation between dB and change of signal?


4 9537

What is a superheterodyne receiver?

2 7690

What Are the different filter types ?

4 6350

What are mixers used for?

1 4479

What is noise figure?

3 8727

Describe VSWR?


12 23388

What= is the 911 point?


Describe circular polarization?

1 3831

Describe an impedance matching circuit?

2 6976

What is the CDR format generated by ZTE NEs?

BPL, Cable Wireless, HCL, Huawei, Juniper Networks, Reliance,

2 9332

what is sdh,pdh?how exactly the call get connected?

Ericsson, Reliance,

8 15920

I am working on Nortel Meridian 81C PBX,Passport,Symposium Can anyone plese tell me website name on which I can get more information about this equipments


8=56 7=42 6=30 5=20 3=?

1 2769

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Define Thermal impedance?


I am working on Nortel Meridian 81C PBX,Passport,Symposium Can anyone plese tell me website name on which I can get more information about this equipments


What= is the 911 point?