what will happen if the field and armature both are made to
rotate in a synchronous machine ?

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what will happen if the field and armature both are made to rotate in a synchronous machine ?..

Answer / shailesh tankni

basically the armature is provided with ac supply which
produces rotating magnetic field, and rotor is provided with
dc supply so as to rotate the motor at synchronous speed, so
if the armature which stationary is rotated it will posses
an additional speed to the supply frequency speed of the motor
so the rotor when excited again with dc supply will rotate
at a higher synchronous speed

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what will happen if the field and armature both are made to rotate in a synchronous machine ?..

Answer / jessie

The motor turns. If they turn at the same speed, then
torque approaches zero.

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what will happen if the field and armature both are made to rotate in a synchronous machine ?..

Answer / shockmoorthy

motor couldnt rotate

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what will happen if the field and armature both are made to rotate in a synchronous machine ?..

Answer / k ravinder

emf is zero

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