ELECTRICAL DRIVES: can a motor load system with passive
load torque can have equilibrium speed in second quadrant
In an ACB shunt trip coil and undervoltage coil operated normally( breaker open and charged). But closing coil not operating untill manually discharge and recharging. Any help.
what is the function of series reactor
3 Answers Adhunik, INOX, RMSI,
Whata are the types of Cables?
A synchronous motor is operating at a leading power factor .if the applied voltage is decreases ,(the excitation remains constant ) ,the motor current a)increases b) decreases c)remains same d) none of these
if a 3phase 100kva distribution transformer , 400 v,50 hz, 4-wire system is loaded at 160 k.w mostly 1-phase Lighting & Airconditioning split a.c load what will be the net effect on the power system in terms of voltage, powerfactor, current , efficiency of xformer
what its mean 'inverter based technology' ? if we talk about refrigerators, splits ACs etc how it helps to produce & keep more coolness and chilled atmosphere ?
What are the different lines and what are the different types of losses occur on them?
what will be the motor terminal box connection arrangement (star or delta). on what basis it decided?
What is relation bet kvar & microfarad
How do you select a cable size(cu and Al) for a particular load
why transformer are rated in KVA not in watt?
what is the advantages of Lighting transformer?.. is it possible to reduce the power consumption ?.