time and work questions
IS code for grade of concrete for bamboo lintel????
wat is the size of fine aggregate & coarse aggregate?
Explain the benefits of using standard terminology in the measurement process?(Tendering and estimation)
Explain the various methods of concrete curing?
what is perfect ballast for supporting the rails
how to caliculate required amount of cement and sand required for 1cu.m.
what is the allowable silt % in river sand for Dam concreting.
how many monpower required for 1 sqm normal RCC structure ( includes finishes & MEP )
what is the exact dia of 8swg and 10swg gabion wire
What is the weight of std brick and 6" ,8",4" solid block...?
Describe the role of independent Quantity surveyor?
What is the Laplenth for Reinforcement for Verticl and horizontal Structures as per IS code?