How to calculate cable size?
How to O&m of vcb?
Are same transformer be employed for step up and step down services?
what will happen if ac and dc supplies given
The advantages of Magnetic flux leakage technique over Ultrasonic technique for non distructive testing of material.
Where servomechanism is used?
why one pin of plug pin is longer than other two? In some mobile chargers one pin is made not conducting .Why?
How you give clearance to a spare feeder.
what is the purpose of vector group in a transformer ? if 2 tranaformers r connected in parallel the vector group is same or not? for parallel operation 2 transformers of different manufacturers maintain same vector group or not?
how to calculate the megger values for motor, cables and transformers?
how many by pass system in online UPS.
how can we measure the import power and export power in the same line?
what size steel armoured cable is required to support 1500kva capacity. would 70mm squared be enough or would I need 90 or 120mm squared 3c plus earth
When oil level in the oltc of power transformer reduces , oil surge relay will act or not