I have a relay contact rated at 220v dc which is supplied
with a 24vdc from the panel,for it to trip the
dampers(24vdc).What if the application of the relay changes
so that it should work at its rated 220vdc then will it work
at 24vdc supply given or any other consideration needs to be
taken .....
what is static switch where it can be use?
what will happen if a part of primary winding of a transformer is accidentally short-circuited?
what is the std. earthing resistance for 440V system or m/c, 33000/440 Volt substation? What is the std.?
1.what is the basic difference between surge arrestor and lightning arrestor and where we use it. 1.what is the difference between metal oxide without gapped lightning arrestor and with gapped lightning arrestor
What are the Return ( Monthly / quarterly/ Annual submitted to Electical Inspector for an establishment (Factory in Maharashtra-- Small scale category having seperate HT line of 22KV ) as per Maharashtra Electricity Act
Can We Apply DC POWER To Transformer???? And Why????
what is the function of LBB relay
Difference between EDO and MDO breakers?
while doing the excitation current test on power transformer what is the value of voltage to be applied? Nomonal rated voltage or 10% of rated voltage? Is it necessary to apply on high voltage side?
mcb kitna type ka hata hai aur uska pura naam please bataye
In Air circuit breaker LSIG protection unit is used. Without fault in cables (2 runs 3Cx150Sq.mm Copper, 1Kv grade, XPLE armored cable IR value is more than 550Mohm @ 500V Megger) and load section Long time Overcurrent protection is triggers and trips the unit. We changed LSIG protection with new factory tested unit. Even then fault is persisting. Please suggest the possible causes
why transformer are not used in D.C SUPPLY