What is eddy current & eddy current loss ?
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In ganerator or motor or trasformar when cunducter cuts
the magnetic flux an emf is induced if closed circut is
formed current is flows in the circut and some amount of
current is flows in the core this current is called eddy
Due to this current heat is developed in the circut due to
this heat some loss in the device this loss is called eddy
current loss.
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Whenever current flows in a conductor it produces magnetic
field around the conductor and the opposite is also true ie
if a magnetic field is provided around a conductor current
starts flowing thro that conductor. So in
transformers/armatures when flux is induced in
secondaries/rotor a current starts flowing in them because
of the flux or magnetic field, this current is called eddy
current and the loss incurred due to this unwanted current
is called eddy current loss.
Lamination are done to reduce eddy current loss
Hope the Q is answered vividly.
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